June 12, 2009

R's nterior Inspiration 10

Talk about the mother of all dust collectors!!! A curio-cabinet I got for Christmas circa 1988(ish). Mom refinished it for me shortly after I got my first place. It hangs right inside our front door and contains an assortment of randomness.

Many of the items are gifts friends and family have given us after they traveled somewhere - miniature souvenirs you can easily stuff in a suitcase. We appreciate and adore them. It's special to us that someone would think of us when they are so far from home.

The bird is my take on a belted kingfisher. It's ink and acrylic on canvas. It just kinda' come to me quickly one evening and it was effortless. I've wished repeatedly to have that touch again but I don't think it's ever returned.

I hope to hang a few hooks below at some point for dog leashes and umbrellas. I'm specifically looking for antique egg shaped door knobs in gold/brass/crystal OR some kind of antique door stops. Clearly, I haven't been searching that hard. . .They are rather common.

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