March 01, 2010

Fort Smallwood Park #134

You need to approach a Canada Goose very very gingerly. They are prone to irrationality with regard to encroaching outsiders.

And yes. . .They are Canada Geese. Not Canadian Geese. And frankly following that USA Men's hockey game this past weekend do we really want to allow Canada even an "ian" at this point? Hahaha.

Fort Smallwood Park #125

Fort Smallwood Park #113

I can't say why but I see beauty in this ugliness. It seems to smack of people. People that work really hard keeping operations going. . .People that need jobs. People that work at the mercy of huge corporate machines that don't necessarily care about their employees or otherwise. . .The machine.

Sounds as if someone finally finished One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. . .

Fort Armistead #110

Sadly, we also saw a similar scene at Fort Howard. These are the forts that helped protect the Chesapeake Bay. They do have a degree of historical significance and yet they are in a state of disgrace. It seems shameful. . especially for Fort Armistead - which boasts amazing views of the Key Bridge as well as being the namesake of a very distinguished Maryland military figure. I would be more than happy to pay a small admittance fee or become a member if that would help alleviate some of the obvious issues that seem to plague this park.

Fort Armistead Park #103

I like how these ring billed gulls seem to be plotting. . .


Hey everybody, Bud Likes Cock!! He likes it so much he advertises on the railing of a dock at some slightly run-down park! Oy. . .

Soap Box II. . .

Maybe you could recycle your plastic bags along with your little hugs?

Soap Box. . .

Do you remember these? Yes. . .The "Little Hug." A few thoughts on the Little Hug:

First of all they taste like shit and I can barely fathom that anyone still drinks this crap. I mean even presuming kids still like them, kids are so far advanced these days I would have thought they would be on to Red Bull and vodka by age seven at the latest.

And yet, it seems this vile, certainly wholly synthetic beverage is wildly popular as evidenced by AS MANY THAT ARE WASHED UP ON THE BEACH at Fort Armistead!!!

Really? Is improperly discarding your yucky Little Hug beverage any way to treat Earth? What did Earth ever do to you?

Recycle damn it.

Fort Armistead #88

Fort Armistead Park #86

Fort Armistead Park #78

Fort Armistead Park #74

Yesterday C and I ventured to Fort Armistead Park. We had a tip some red throated loons were spotted in the area recently. No loons. . .Nothing really but some gulls. The fort is a graffiti covered mess but the views of the Key Bridge and Sparrows Point across the river are pretty fantastic.