November 21, 2009

Howl at the Moon

Gotta love a sing along piano bar. For about 10 minutes! LOL

November 20, 2009

Current Household Crush

We barely have 900 square feet of living space but I love it. I can't imagine a cavernous "great room.". I'm sure I could fill it rapidly and it would probably look just fine. . .

But I love how simple it is to have a quick crush on one teensy little spot - to give it purpose and character. .to love it. . .to celebrate us as it's a reflection of who we are and how we live and what we truely love.

It also encourages ruthless editing and careful collection. I love that. No random purchasing to fill a space.
This is the basement - My playground until we decide the time is right to shell out for a reno. In the meantime, I'm making great use of the space! Haha.

This space seems to captivate friends and relations. There's a full kitchen here too! I'm not sure what sucks them in - maybe I'm projecting my fondness? Maybe it's a reflection of me (a well organized mess of liberal arts randomness)? Not sure. Not sure I want to mess with the "magic" anytime soon.

Unrelated: It's storming here - thunder and lightening. Seems odd for mid-November.

Sage advice: If your crazy dog tinkles in the basement while you're at work for a LONG time and your husband is in the Carolinas for the day, and his flight is delayed and the traffic is awful because of the rain and you didn't anticipate half of that so you didn't get a dog walker . .You can use the Shop Vac to suck it up but it's likely not something you should fess up to your husband esp if he is of Italian temperment and/or is a tad wiggy with germs!

November 18, 2009

Project du Jour

Invites for a party. Still have a couple pics from the weekend to post. Busy, busy and the holidays are barely here!