Friday Evening 6:40. . .On my way home from work. Phone rings. It's C. "Where are you?" This is code for "I need you to run an errand."
C apparently needs a printer cartridge. Luckily for C there is an Office Depot downtown close to my route home.
Minor glich - It's nearly 7 PM on a Friday night. Getting parking in Little Italy is going to be ridiculous. Almost as ridiculous as having an Office Depot located in Historic Little Italy. Whatev?
I'm actually not a bad parallel parker. I'd consider myself better than average. I tried to wedge myself between a brand new Mercedes and a BMW. The spot was clearly too small but I had to try given the lack of other viable options. After I tapped the BMW about 3 times decided to abort.
As luck would have it, there was a lot close by. . .And it was nearly empty. The lot is one of those deals were you park and put the money in a little box and you get a ticket - very low tech.
I'm intercepted en route to the box by some fellow waiving the ticket pictured. He explains to me weekend parking is flat $10.00. I explained I'd only be 10 minutes tops and could I give him $5? No. AND he wouldn't let me leave. Once you pull in, you pay. I realize times are tough but isn't that a little unreasonable? I've gotta think $5 or 5 minutes is a waaaaay better deal than $10 for a 2 or 3 hour dinner another patron might use. He was immune to my charms. So I finally muttered an unladylike holy shit under my breath and gave him all the cash in my wallet. Luckily I had cash - I don't typically.
Walk two quick blocks to Office Depot. . .It's FREAKING closed!!!!!!
My $10 piece of paper is about to be recycled. . .
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