May 22, 2010

Life in the Suburbs

So I've been working from a different branch location a lot recently. One of the best perks of this location is the landscaping that surrounds it. There's a pond and plenty of landscaping and several retention ponds. All this landscaping is a big draw for the suburban bird population. I've seen some very nice birds - gold finches, cardinals, etc. They are common birds but they are still beautiful to see especially in close proximity.

And then there's the Canada Goose family. This pair of geese are so much fun to watch. They seem to hang out in the vicinity of the retention pond. This makes me a little nervous because it's close to a busy intersection but I suppose there is that whole survival of the fittest principle to consider.

This is a poor pic. I have a very difficult time getting a photo because I'm typically in the car when I see them. Plus geese can be pretty aggressive and every time I slow down the car, the male hisses his "fowl" head off at me. (Pun intended). This leads me to believe actually getting out of the car and approaching them is a poor idea.

This photo is from about two weeks ago. On Friday, I noticed the male standing in the road while the little ones pecked around in the grass near the road. I went to the nearby gas station to get some coffee and when I came out, they were across the street enjoying a snack in some different grass. How brave that the male puts himself in the road first to halt traffic before the female and little ones cross!

These geese are great parents and I'm very much enjoying watching them tend to their brood.

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