December 30, 2009

My First Wild Idea for 2010. . .

So it occurred to me the other day that my Father and I spent probably no fewer than 8 hours "together" each weekend. Some weekends that meant marathon phone calls, other times we were physically together. . .Or I was preparing to be physically together - collecting items, magazines, or baking things I wanted to take to him and my Mom and Sister. . .What will I do with all that "free" time?

Then it occurred to me how much he always loved to hear about what I was reading. And I love to read. And I do it voraciously. So what better thing to compose a reading list? After all, there are "classics" I've somehow missed reading and there are amazing new books I missed while I was reading Law all the weekend long. . .And new ones coming along all the time. . .

So today I started an ambitious list. . .Books for 2010. . Here's the list:

1. SuperFreakonomics
2. Pretty in Plaid
3. Rememberig Kent Island: Stories from the Chesapeake
4. Wicked
5. Maritime Annapolis
6. Maryland's Lower Susquehanna River Valley
7. Eat, Pray, Love
8. Gift from the Sea
9. An American Childhood
10. Bad Mother
11. Anna Karenina
12. The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder
13. Guts
14. The Late Lamented Molly Max
15. Big Russ and Me
16. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
17. Mudbound
18. The Secret Life of Bees
19. Water for Elephants
20. Confessions of a Shopaholic
21. One Can Make a Difference
22. Have a Little Faith
23. Izzy and Lenore
24. Three Dogs of Bedlam Farm
25. Too Big to Fail
26. One Hundred Years of Silence
27. The Remains of the Day
28. The Unbearable Lightness of Being
29. Race Matters
30. Lolita
31. Cod: A biography of the fish that changed the world
32. Rising Tide: Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How it Changed America
33. The Dirt on Clean: An Unsanitized History
34. Empire of Blue Water: Captian Morgan's Great Pirate Army, the Epic Battle for the Americas and the Catastrophe that Ended the Outlaws Bloody Reign
35. Out Stealing Horses
36. Into the Porcupine Cave and Other Odysseys: Adventures of an Occassional Naturalist
37. Morgan: American Financier
38. Teh Catcher in the Rye
39. The Handmaid's Tale
40. To Kill a Mockingbird
41. Catch 22
42. On the Road
43. Gone with the Wind
44. One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
45. To the Lighthouse
46. Murder on teh Orient Express
47. Arguing with Idiots
48. Churchill
49. Inside of a Dog
50. Another Bullshit Night in Suck City: A Memoir
51. The Bounty: The True Story of Muntiny on the Bounty
52. Mountains Beyond Mountains
53. Star of the Sea
54. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
55. The Pirate Hunter: the True Story of Captain Kidd
56. The Bontany of Desire: a Plant's Eye View of the World
57. Fast Food Nation
58. How to be Good
59. John Adams
60. Girl with a Pearl Earring

60 books in 365 days. . .Is my math possibly correct? I need to average a book about every 6 days? And I put Anna Karenina on the list? And biographies about Churchill and John Adams?!

On the upside, I guess the Lifestyle limited shopping challenge will continue. . .I won't have time to shop! And I might not have time to eat either. . .So maybe I'll finally lose some more weight.

Of course you, dear reader, can watch the entire trainwreck right here. . .I'm not great with writing book reviews but I'll do my best.

1 comment:

  1. I have Wicked. Couldn't get thru it. I'll send it to you. Secret Life of Bees I loved. (gave it to Jenn or would send it to you too...which reminds me need to get my Chelsea book back from Kisha!). I'll look at your list when I'm contemplating something new. Happy Reading!
