October 05, 2009

News You Can or May Use

Doing my quick scan of the news this evening and noticed a couple of things. . .

1. Johns Hopkins professor Carol W. Greider has earned a Nobe Prize for her work in molecular biology and genetics.

2. Contrast this to an emotional, albeit hot-mess and nurse by education, Kate Gosselin who apparently went on the Today show earlier today complaining that her estranged husband emptied their bank account.

3. Young father and Sun Business Editor, Timothy M. Wheatley, was killed this morning in a traffic accident while taking his daughter to school.

How do you want to be perceived? How do you want to conduct yourself? How will you be remembered?

Go Carol!!

And, go Kate!!! But for the love of gawd, go in a direction that will be beneficial for your children.

Heartfelt condolences to Mr. Wheatley's family - whom I think would agree life is precious and fleeting.

Be a good example. Do your best. Give thanks. This world spins quickly. Your proactive and positive forces upon it can only enhance your existence and will touch others as well.

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