June 03, 2010

The Summer Suck it. . .not near a Bucket. . .LIST!!! 1

I have a friend or three that seems to be screaming the same message. . .Find more joy in life.

They speak of art classes, and learning conversational Italian, and vineyard tours.

They speak in some days, and ifs, and maybes. . .

They speak a language I understand far too well. I speak the language of someday fluently.

Let's find more joy in the long lazy summer days! Let's seize the moment. Let's get to living. Life is precious and fleeting. Seize it. Love it.

Offer your best self. Someday is unforgiving in its swiftness.

I'm developing my own Summer Suck It . . .Not Near A Bucket list. . .Please share yours.

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