October 24, 2009


I've noticed there's quite a distinction with regard to the way males and females grocery shop. Women seem to be inherently better at seeking out the necessary items and they seem to intuitively know better where said items are located in the store.

Dedicated C, has frequently offered to do the shopping while I do other things. I appreciate this because I hate the logistics of put in the cart, take out of the cart, put on the little conveyor belt, put in bags, put bags in cart, take bags out of cart and place in car, take bags out of car into house, take out of bags and put away. . .BLAH!!

However, I have occasionally accused him of being less than diligent with regard to procuring the items on the list.

He has adamantly denied this accusation.

And I believe him.

Yet, I still have this visceral feeling that I should be procuring the groceries or at least be present to over-see the process. I plan the meals. I'll know of an acceptable ingredient substitute. . .I'm clearly a control freak. . .

This evening when he offered to go to the store so we could do something fun tomorrow, I agreed. I made a very careful list and sent him on his way.

He returns a little more than an hour later. He announces there are 3 items they didn't have and he made the store employees initial the list to certify the items weren't in stock!

Am I that much of a shrew that he feels it necessary to get nearly an affidavit from the grocer?

I look at the list. . .Ding dong wrote the initials in himself.

He still swears they were out of scallions. . .hmmmmmmm. . . .

1 comment:

  1. You have to give him credit.....there is nothing more important in a bf/husband's mind sometimes than transfering of the blame.
