October 21, 2009

Dear Blog #2 and Another Lifestyle Challenge?!

Dear Blog,

1.  C convinced me to watch the movie Marley and Me this evening.  The movie was very well done but seldom does a movie beat the book and this was no exception.  Second of all, having 2 labs very near and dear to my heart and one likely not too much longer for this world, it was postively gut wrenching.  So here I sit sniffling.  It is not becoming.

2.  Noticed the across the alley neighbors' blinds are open this evening but their lights aren't on.  Whew.  It was shaping up to be a long boring winter without being able to stare across the alley into their windows!

3.  Gave some more thought to whether I was productively using my time while I'm at home and I've decided I could be more disciplined.  Hence, "the schedule."  I think I've aimed waaaaayyyy too high with regard to my AM ambitions.  It only involves hitting snooze for a total of fifteen minutes.  Currently, I hit snooze every five minutes for nearly 1 hour.  I'm not a morning person.  We'll see.  I'm determined to be in bed asleep by close to midnight this evening. 

4.  Have a few relatively interesting thoughts but need to get them in order.  Until then, you're stuck being as bored with my life as I am!  hahaha.

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