October 20, 2009

Dear Blog,

I know it's been a few days since I've written. So many things of so little value. . .

1. I'm back on Weight Watchers. For real this time. Come on. I MEAN IT!! I am still convinced I'm just 12 consecutive stomach flu's away from my goal weight but I can't count on that to come through for me in time to get my blood pressure back to a normal level.

Note: This elevated blood pressure issue has been haunting me for about 5 years now. Every time I see that cuff come out, I am overcome by test taking and doctor panic and the readings come out all crazy.

That being said, why chance it? A doc I recently went to visit very kindly pointed out that while I'm not too overweight, it would be beneficial "at my age" to take these things a little more seriously.

We'll just see how long this will last. I'm guessing at the first mention of happy hour later this week?

2. I've spent the better part of an hour staring at my "across the alley neighbor's" upstairs windows. They have their shades drawn. This is highly unusual, hence highly suspect. I can just see movement towards the bottom of the windows. It would appear there are three people in the back room. This has lead to all sorts of conjecture on my part.

Are they having a bizarre sexual encounter?

Are they torturing someone?

Are they plotting some super secret mission?

Who the eff told them they could shut their blinds? I stare at them for hours each night (not continuously mind you. . .but still). I've been doing this since they moved in about 5 or 6 years ago. WTF am I supposed to do now? I'm hoping this is not a permanent situation.

3. Reading The Informant. Excellent read. I only took a break this evening to catch up on the 15 magazines that have collected in the past few days. I would highly recommend it.

4. Giving thoughts to what I could do if my mornings and evenings were more structured. How much more structured can a woman with a household chore spreadsheet and pantry inventory lists get you ask? I'm not sure.

Is doing more better? What if I made sure I was doing more creative and enjoyable things?

Hmmmmm. . .Maybe we best get through the 6 month no shopping lifestyle challenge first? Few calories, no shopping, and too much structure? Could that send d straight to Shepherd Pratt?!

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