November 02, 2009

Harper's Ferry #246

Some people view fall as the beginning of an end. Plants are dying. Leaves are dropping. Winter looms steely gray and cold and ominous on the horizon. Older folks often refer to the "autumn of their lives."

I have never viewed fall this way.

Just as much as spring, if not more, fall is a time of renewal. Fall allows us to literally take stock. It allows all kinds of plants and animals - some of them in the early stages of gestation even - to steal away from the industrious nature and hard work of the warmer months.

Fall allows us a comfortable cocoon in near darkness where we can reflect, hunker down, feast on our larders and provisions. It allows us time to emerge in the light of spring energized, renewed, pregnant with the promises of spring. We are refreshed and appreciate spring after enduring a dark, cold winter.

Fall is not a time of decay and death. Fall is a glorious fireworks display. Fall is a celebration of summer harvests and bounties. Fall is the seed of spring.

Little seeds lie dormant in the frost kissed ground waiting. . .waiting to offer their potential.

As do we. . .

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