September 01, 2009

Confession. . .Lifestyle Challenge - UPDATE!

Advertising treats all products with the reverence and the seriousness due to sacraments. Thomas Merton

Remember when I said I couldn't quite figure out how to quantify the lifestyle "no retail" challenge?

In about two weeks, it's become pretty evident without need for fuzzy math (wish the fat-ass dispatch would follow suit).

In about two weeks, I have not spent a tad over $700! (This is not to be confused with my already established savings. . .

I have NOT spent on my debit card in 2 weeks $700 as compared to the prior two weeks!! That's almost a pair of Manolos or Jimmy's! That's 2 Tiffany Key necklaces in sterling silver! That's a Louis Speedy bag!!!!

Ummmmm. . .Yeah. . .That's 2-3 stray cat spay/neuters. That's a lot of Thanksgiving for the Bea Gaddy Foundation. That's 70 blankets or hoodies at 10 bucks/ea for the area homeless. That's a LOT of school supplies (or one microscope) for local schools.

I have not missed anything that money would buy. Seriously, try it! Embrace it! I know we set really really lofty difficult standards when we started this challenge. We've caved a little since then. But my personal savings alone in two weeks should get you stoked!

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