August 15, 2009

Retail Diaster Begins

Ok. In keeping with my little project, I'm trying to be cognizant of what we are purchasing. And it is rather amazing. . .

It starts this AM:
d "C where did you leave the dental floss?"
C "I put it away. Isn't it there?"
d (thinking to herself) "Clearly not"

Obviously he left it out and now one of those ingrate cats has had their way with 10 dollars worth of Glide floss. Ugh. Looks as if dental floss is on the shopping list.

This is not off to a good start.

We are at a concert. Prior to the concert I needed a little pick me up - iced coffee. Well, ding dong high school kid order talker wasn't having a stellar day at work and I ended up with some $3.50 hot milk and coffee mess which we carried out of the place and dumped in the trash.

Confronting stupid order takers and standing up for ourselves is clearly an experiment needed in the future!

Dad was kind enough to loan me a Stetson hat for the concert. I love, love, love. Stetson and Frye boots have been on my wish list for a long time. C mentions I should get both. Then we both remember, it will have to remain on the wish list a little longer.

Funny how we momentarily forgot about the experiment dreaming about items that really have very little practical purpose: I wear suits to work not western wear!
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