August 12, 2009

Lifestyle Challenge Goals

1. For the same reason we became vegetarians: Lessen our impact on the Earth.
2. Increase our independence and creativity
3. Learn more - about ourselves, each other, the way things work, the way things should work
4. Set an example for our peers and a new generation - if they listen :)
5. Live with a conscious. Live with love. Live with a voice. Live with your choice. Live smarter and more fully.

These are pretty broad and lofty. I realize this. It hopefully will allow me the groundwork to set some rules for the "lifestyle challenge."

Truth is I float between two worlds: The one my work involves and the one that I've been drawn to since I was a child. I love both worlds. But often they present in complete opposition. I'm frequently torn. Ultimately, the choice is mine alone to make. Neither world is bad. Neither sphere is superior to the other. And both can happily co-exist. It's merely a matter of balance.

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