June 19, 2009

Friday Randomness. . .

1. Why do people hang those things from their trailer hitches that look like human testicles? The entire concept is lost on me.

2. Dexter doesn't appear to have anything wrong with his major organs - kidneys, liver, etc. He's spending another night at the vet so they can pump him full of antibiotic to see how he responds to that. These little critters have cost us a piece of very nice Louis Vuitton luggage in the past couple of months. Luggage can't hug you back but it also doesn't eat, and eat, and eat and poop, and poop, and poop. . .Remind me this the next time a distressed or displaced animal needs a home.

3. Extremely long week at work. It's an uncertain time for me at work and I waffle between embracing and being excited about the possibilities the uncertainty could bring and near panic about all the negatives possibly involved.

4. Busy, busy weekend. Looking forward to a quiet evening. C is helping his brother prepare for a big party to celebrate his recent marriage.

5. There is a mosquito in my basement. Time to take a bath in Deep Woods Off.

6. Have some more house pics to gas off about. . .Ya'll regret R ever made that request don't you?

7. Why isn't Vuitton in the spell check? Options include: Button, Hutton, Sutton, and Mutton. Ugh.

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