February 05, 2010


That's right. The news is hyping this weather event as Armageddon but with SNOW.

The Scene: C and d in the basement eating baked brie in pastry and watching the NBC nightly news.

Brian Williams: (more or less) "That's the White House. At least for now we can still see it. With Snowmageddon coming at 1 to 3 inches per hour later tonight. . ."

d: Are you kidding me? I get it. It's snow. It's a lot of freaking snow. The sensationalism is astounding.

Brian Wlliams: (more or less) "If you live in the DC area and watch Channel 4, you're likely very familiar with this guy (referring to a weather caster)."

Cut to said weatherman.

d: Hi Brian. I'm here at the station and I won't shower or sleep until I create the maximum mass panic possible.

C: Don't mock the weather man or Brian Williams. Look at the TV.

TV image starts to jumble and flicker.

C: I hope we don't lose the satellite.

d: We're not losing our satellite. That's their satellite feed. It's not us yet.

TV goes black and the Direct TV "Searching for signal" message pops up.

C: I told you not to screw with Brian Williams. But you just had to mock him didn't you? And now I'm the one being punished!

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