February 07, 2010

Diggin Out

Molly on our street this morning. . .

We're continuing to dig out. When I say we, I mean C. He just informed me I gave up snow shoveling on our wedding day. That wasn't the only item on his list of things I started saying "I don't to" but it's the only one fit to be published. haha

Anyway, more pics to post and will do so through the day.

This snow is wretched. No plow will touch our street and it's drifted so badly some cars are nearly covered to the roof. I'm not entirely sure how anyone parked on this street plans to get to work in the next month let alone the Monday! I'd like to keep an eye on the street and offer cocoa and spiked coffee and baked goods to brave shovelers. . .Now if only I had any of those things to offer.

I wanted to bake yesterday; however, sloth set in from the start and all I did was watch Twin Peaks re-runs, read, and take pics from our windows. Today is off to a better start.

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