October 13, 2009

Ordinary Angels #473

Head is spinning with ideas. They aren't original and they aren't Nobel Prize worthy. Still thoughts. . .

Here are the general topics:
1. Aging population - Our aging population seems not to be aging very much. They retire to progressive retirement places where apparently there are happy hours and husband swapping. . .Leave it to the Boomers. Also apparent, Viagra works.

2. Why are we so reluctant to embrace this? We put a premium on youth in our society but why? Why on earth would I want to revert to the silly naivete of my high school years? Or the ridiculous indulgence of my college years? I like getting older. What I don't like are frown lines. Keep all the smile wrinkles. . .Decimate the frown wrinkles with some 'tox or Restlayne. Seriously, I don't want to walk around with a permanent scowl on my face. Frown lines must. be. decimated.

3. I believe we as a society generally think older folks should be "warehoused" in a nursing facility (or similar). I think that's bullshit. I know plenty of folks that aren't even close to acting their age. And I adore it. Wisdom, talent, patience, knowledge. . .these are not things that should be warehoused in an assisted living facility.

Living and aging and even dying with passion, grace, and dignity is something we may have forgotten as a society. I'd like to welcome you back. . .Think about it. It's not morbid. It's about every beautiful moment. It's about taking a picture and seeing what you might have missed. Beauty and grace and valor in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles and ugliness.

Life is messy. Please don't wear a nearly ass bearing A&E denim skirt and bow to the alter that is Miley Cyrus while you weed through it.

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