April 13, 2009


Stretch -ed = Wrech-ed (feeling). . .

I'm sure there was a time when everyone one loved and cared about lived within a 5 mile radius. Gone are the days. I don't consider myself one with "superficial" friends. I keep my good friends close and by best friends and family as close as I possibly can. . .It's not measured in physical miles rather in the miles we've traveled together - physical, emotional, or otherwise.

There comes a time when you start stacking up weekends 3 deep with tentative plans, trying to catch up, trying to see everyone, being everything to everyone and expecting everyone to be everything to you in that moment.

Time contracts. Space contracts. There is only a set number of minutes, moments that you can spend with someone you adore before they are gone again.

And that puts pressure on your time together. It doesn't allow for the relaxation you feel after 24 hours. I doesn't allow for all the minor tiffs, troubles, and miseries one might experience in transit. That weight is still there.

It leaves one with merely a brilliant flash; a flash of the funny, hideous, hilarious, horrific, beautiful time you once knew together. It leaves you wanting more.

Maybe that's what makes the heart so fond?

I'm looking forward to about 6 weekends straight full of family and friends and I can't wait!! My only regret is it never lasts long enough. It always leaves me wanting more. It makes my heart sing and ache all at once.

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