I had the opportunity to spend some time with my Father this afternoon. His health isn't stellar. We were talking and he mentioned in passing "I don't know how much time I have."
At first, I wanted to be sad or angry about it. But the more I thought about it, it's a statement anyone could make. I don't know how much time I have. No one knows how much time they have.
Would you want to know if you could?
We put a premium on time in our society. "I have time for this. . .I don't have time for that. . ." We use it as an excuse to get out of things we don't want to do, we use it as an excuse to avoid people we don't care for (I don't have time for her - she's X, Y, Z). We use it like currency - we over extend ourselves with commitments, we waste time, we keep in touch in "real time." We demand "me time."
We measure our effectiveness and possibly worth on how much we can get done and how well we can do it in as little time possible. We over-extend our children. We over-extend ourselves.
We want fast cars, fast computers, fast phones, fast drying nail polish, fast meals, fast anti aging treatments. . .Why?
Because we don't know how much time we have? I don't think so. (You've heard me rant about this before - McDonald's mentality)
I think if I knew how much time I had left, the first things I'd Elvis from my life would be anything fast and instant gratification. . .
I know that seems counterintuitive but I'd focus on what I've always tried to focus on - good food, good company, creating beautiful memories for people. . .If I had one day left on this glorious planet I could very well spend it on the beach from sun up to sun down. I wouldn't try to over extend myself. (Is this a sign I'm finding faith?)
And if you follow my logic, we never know when our last day may be. . .I'm going to the beach! I'm going to give big hugs. I'm going to take copious photos. I'm going to laugh with abandon. I'm going to be thankful. I'm going to be graceful - if I feel like it. I'm going to be strong and lovely and kind. I'm going to embrace every day and every challenge. I'm still going to the beach damnit!!!
So basically, I'm going to live like a dog. . .Eat a lot, love a lot, play a lot. . .Sometimes it's best if you don't over-analyze!
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