February 27, 2010

Poor Old Dog!

Molly took a tumble down the stairs a few weeks back and did a number on a toe nail. When it happened, it was snowing like crazy and while bleeding, it didn't look horrific so we didn't immediately take her to the vet.

It's been a few weeks and the nail didn't seem to be falling off or otherwise resolving itself. I'm a big believer with small things like this in pets, you should allow the pet to nurse it for a bit. I believe animals instinctively know how to help themselves to a certain extent.

In this case, Molly needed help. To the rescue (once again) DocSide Vet! Molly got a local anesthetic, an antibiotic, a pedicure, and a bandage. She's convalescing well and should be good as new in a couple of days.

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